
"Silence is sometimes the best answer." Dalai Lama

This quote is one of the simplest and most straightforward quotes while equally the hardest to do. I've always been aware of this saying. I only know this quote in a minimal way, so I decided to research the quote. I found an article from the Dalai Lama. Finding your breath is access to the silence. The silence is transformative.

I regret that Will Smith, the famous actor now known for slapping Chris Rock, did not take a moment to find his breath. He would still be Will Smith, the famous actor with the million-dollar smile and known for great movies. If Will Smith had stopped to find his breath, he could have possibly responded than reacted, leading to a much different outcome, I would hope.

I think about a time when I was still in my twenties; I quit my job mainly because I disliked my boss and was ready to be self-employed. Back then, I did not have the maturity to be patient and let the universe work through me for what was best for me. I rushed out into the world, not working the plan but reacting to the drama I created. Sometimes in life, you must just sit. Being still, being patient, not having all the answers, to stop wanting control is basically: Silence is sometimes the best answer.  

At the same time, events and situations occur in our lives to prepare us for what may/will come later in life. We should not beat ourselves up whenever we forget to be silent or react imperfectly. Life is not perfect; life is an evolution of becoming who you are ultimately meant to be.

I wrote this blog because I am currently struggling with acknowledging the power of this saying. Some mornings, I wake up patient, and I don't have to be in control. Other mornings, I want to do something that gives me answers and the control that my ego craves. Not being in control does not mean that you are out of control. I invite each of you to spend a few minutes just letting life be as it is.


Good Enough!


Women’s History Month